School Parliament

To become active citizens it is essential that all Indians understand how our Parliament works. To ensure that young Indians become engaged with the electoral process, students first need to understand how the system works.

The SBPS School Parliaments (SBPSP) is a major civics education initiative, which we offer to secondary schools.  The outcome of School Parliaments is that students become empowered,  knowledgeable, responsible, engaged and active citizens. They become excited and can’t wait to enrol to vote once they turn 18.

School Parliaments:

  • Create a mini democracy within your school
  • Incorporate a bi-cameral student leadership structure
  • Replicate the Australian system of government
  • Teach students about electoral and parliamentary process
  • Incorporate student parliamentary inquiries and committees
  • Immerse students in a continual civics activity
  • Have the capacity to drive all civics activities in your school