The secondary school curriculum envisions the all-round development of students which emphasizes on the  integration of co-curricular domains with curricular activities in an equitable manner.The CBSE  aims to prepare students to seek admissions in professional courses and top Universities worldwide. In addition to regular academic courses, students are prepared for competitive examinations.The curriculum for this phase focuses on the career building of a student apart from academic achievements, for which different activities and program are initiated along with the academic subjects in the curriculum.

The curriculum is learner-centered with school being a place where students would be acquiring various skills; building self-concept, sense of enterprise, aesthetic sensibilities and sportsmanship. Therefore, for the purpose of fostering core competencies in learners, this curriculum encompasses six major learning areas, from scholastic and co scholastic point of view.





I language



II language



III language



Core Subjects

Mathematics, Science, Social Science



Health & Physical Education & Art education


There will be no semester system.

Final Evaluation will be based on Annual Examination conducted by the CBSE (80 marks) & Internal Assessment (20 marks)
Annual Examination will be conducted covering the complete portion at the end of the year where maximum marks will be 80.

Internal Assessment

The marks distribution will be as follows:

3 Periodic Tests – 10 marks
(Pre Mid-term, Mid-Term and Post Mid-Term)
(ii)  Notebook Maintenance – 5 marks

There will be continuous evaluation of Note Book maintenance on the following parameters –

(i) Regularity
(ii) Assignment completion
(iii) Neatness & upkeep of notebooks

(iii) Subject Enrichment Activities – 5 marks

Subject Enrichment Activities comprises of various techniques like ASL/ Reading/ Dictation/ Debate/Public Speaking etc. for languages. Lab Activities/ Projects/ Map Work/ Model Making etc. for other subjects.

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